Many of the buildings that Gotham has helped create can be best described as “traditional.” However, Gotham does not think of traditions as styles frozen in time. To the contrary, Gotham embraces Steve Mouzon’s philosophy of “Living Traditions”, which recognizes that styles are continuously evolving, influenced by context, new materials and construction methods. Building in suburban environments often necessitates an acceptance that the more traditional styles that developed prior to 1900 are somewhat imported and not generic to the 1950s subdivision. The architecture of the modern movement, whether attributed to Wright, Corbusier, Gropius, or other architects of the time, did result in different forms of massing, façade articulation, use of space, and the relationship between interior and exterior. Gotham has had great success working within this stylistic framework, creating homes that fit within what has become known as “Mid-Century Modern”.
While Gotham sees this identity as the somewhat superficial construct of housing journal publications, it cannot be denied as a legitimate approach to design and the firm enjoys working in this medium. However, Gotham is critical of the use of this style serving as an excuse for buildings designed in conflict with their neighbors. There is no reason that homes relating to the aesthetics of Mid-Century Modern cannot be good neighbors, relating comfortably with the context of the place much in the same way as more traditional styles. Working with the materials and methods of modern design is what influenced Gotham to evolve what they have identified as Modern American Vernacular, which is the use of more traditional forms and language integrated with the most current materials, construction methods, and systems.